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Progressive Jupiter Hollow


Staff member
Mar 27, 2018

Official Website

  • Grant MacKenzie
  • Kenny Parry

EP's and Albums:
  • Odyssey EP (2107)
  • AHDOMN (2018)

Jupiter Hollow is a two man ambient progressive metal / progressive rock band from Canada. These two guys have made quite a splash in the progressive world since both of the members are under the age of 22. Both Grant and Kenny began their music careers while under the age of 10. Grant and Kenny met at a "battle of the bands" where Grant was impressed by Kenny's vocal ability. They knew they had something special together.

I have to salute these guys. Their music is outstanding and mesmerizing, and composed completely by themselves. Kenny's voice is stunning. He can growl as well as hit super high notes with ease.....


Hades Heart

Deep In Space