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Power Metal Theocracy


Staff member
Mar 27, 2018
Official Website

Theocracy (2003)
Mirror of Souls (2008)
As the World Bleeds (2011)
Ghost Ship (2016)
Mosaic (2023)


The debut, specifically the 2013 remaster, is impressive. Upon original release in 2003, this was a one man band, a project, from music, lyrics, to mixing and production, by a 26 year old, multi-instrumentalist, vocalist, Matt Smith. To just imagine how this young man dreamed of and accomplished his dream has left me mind blown! Makes me wonder if he took some inspiration from Ayreon, another famous one man band.

The 2013 remaster gave this album a proper remix and a bit slicker production along with an actual drummer, Shawn Benson. I did search out my album picks on YouTube to compare the 2003 original’s versus the 2013 remixes. There is a noticeable difference through my headphones, and I am very appreciative of the rerelease.

I am a person who likes slower paced, mid tempo, more complex songs that tend to walk a line between symphonic and progressive. With that said, I found a lot of this on “Theocracy”. My first song pick follows an epic 11+ minute opus….and I had to hit repeat immediately to listen to this song twice, I bring you..”Mountain”

The opening church organ is spectacular. I have always been drawn in by music that uses this lush sound, it’s quite unique. The organ is followed by an in your face riff. There are numerous time and tempo changes with a chugging beat and a nicely placed short solo. The vocals are nothing short of amazing.

My next pick is an 11+ minute opus, “The Healing Hand”.

This sprawling song starts off hard with shifting sound from right to left then settles into a ballad pace that soon builds to an intricate progressive metal piece. Mid paced with a beautiful vocal chorus. Amazing how one man can achieve a chorus comprised of himself. Matt has a skin crawling, soaring voice! The Healing Hand has many twists and turns, including some acoustics, and builds to a crescendo of wild double thumpers. I never became bored or inattentive throughout the songs length. Bravissimo!

The next favorite is “Sinner”.

A ballad. I am instantly drawn to ballads. This one is beautiful. The interplay between guitar, organ, and piano is mesmerizing. The song builds to a catchy, heavy riff, then ends on a soft, almost sad note.

I have to give Matt Smith great appreciation for a stunning achievement.



Staff member
Mar 27, 2018

The sophomore album, where Theocracy is now a proper three piece band. Upon first listen, I wasn’t very impressed until I got to the title song, “Mirror of Souls”, which is the album closer. I will get to that song in a minute…

The album opens with those haunting church organs I am so fond of then proceeds with a nice melodic riff and bam! In your face power and crushing speed. This is where I became a bit lost. Not that I dislike thumping power and speed, it just isn’t what turns my metal horns up! Nothing unique, or inspiring. Even the vocals are mediocre.

The musicianship and production is top notch. The drums are prominent and aggressive. The riffs are catchy. I have nothing negative to say about the technical side of the music.

The first song to bring me out of my slump is “Laying the Demon to Rest”

This song clocks in at over 9 minutes. It opens very aggressive with a huge extended vocal high pipe scream from Matt. Ok! You’ve got my attention. The song takes many twists and tempo changes. The chorus is outstanding. The solo’s, including interplay with the bassist, is pleasantly ear catching. Then you get duels between guitar and drum blast beats. Plenty of shredding, too. Plenty to keep me entertained. I would give this song a very solid 9/10 rating.

I wouldn’t be normal if I didn’t mention the ballad-ish Bethlehem. Very emotionally moving song.

Finally, the monumental closing track, Mirror of Souls. This is the most progressive track on the album, and the one track I thoroughly enjoyed.
This 22+ minute track makes this album worthy of my time. This song ticks all the progressive metal boxes; complex, anthemic chorus, catchy riffs and hooks, tempo changes, solo’s, acoustic bits, moody tones, and a beautiful piano closing. The story this song tells is captivating. A man has a dream that takes him on a journey into a dreary hall of mirrors where the last mirror reveals his true soul. This track is stunning!

Overall, I give the album a 9/10


Staff member
Mar 27, 2018

As The World Bleeds, the third album by Theocracy, released in 2011, has come full circle with a full five piece band. This album is spectacular. The music has become more in the veins of symphonic metal spiced with traditional metal including many aspects of pure, raw power metal and all the intricacies of progressive metal. I can hear influences from all my favorite bands; Avantasia, Blind Guardian, Iron Maiden, Kamelot, Savatage, Hammerfall, and Dream Theater.

The orchestration and layers of melodic sound is epic. The guitars are fast, crunchy, technical, and heavy. The drums are brutally cataclysmic. The bass is clearly heard. The vocals are incredible. The production is lush and crisp. Matt’s lyrical writings have matured and he has become a master wordsmith at delivering his message.

The album opener and closer dish out some Iron Maiden like runs. There is a clearly heard nod to Blind Guardian on “Hide In The Fairytale”, which is the only song that received an official video:

Noteworthy on my part is a lack of anything that would resemble a ballad. Not a deal breaker for me because the whole album kept me entertained with some soft passages, killer dueling guitar solos, and fabulous choruses. Nine stand alone songs and one 11 minute opus, which is my favorite Theocracy song thus far…….

I Am

As The World Bleeds is my favorite Theocracy album and I rate it a 9.5/10.


Staff member
Mar 27, 2018

Ghost Ship, the fourth album by Theocracy released in 2016 and the band is still a 5 piece band. I saw the album cover first, and was anticipating the possibility of some darker song writing, but that is the farthest thing from the actual music.

Ghost Ship is different from the previous albums in several ways; first, there are 9 songs that follow a shorter song length, most coming in at just over 4 minutes, and one song that has the signature progressive metal long length. Second, Ghost Ship has at least 2 songs that sit firmly into the hard rock genre. This is a new element for Theocracy. The remainder of the album is a continuation of melodic power metal, sprinkled with progressive touches and spiced with thrashy elements.

The album opens with a very upbeat, melodic, catchy, power metal ripper in ‘Paper Tiger’. Next comes my top pick, the title track, ‘Ghost Ship’

The chugging, galloping, gnarly riffs, are spiced up with shredding & dueling guitars, double thumping percussive blasts, and the vocals just mesh to perfection.

The album rolls on with more of what you would expect from Theocracy. However, I have noticed a slight change with Matt’s vocals, they are toned down a bit. I also noticed the songs taking on a more melodic progressive metal flare, then twisting right back to some pounding power, which was noted in ‘Wishing Well’.

Going forward is ‘Around the World and Back’ that would make hard rock fans take notice, but made me think “hello, where did you come from?”. Strange song, with a weird flow to the album, for sure.

My next pick is a ballad-like song, ‘Currency in a Bankrupt World’. Not a full on ballad, but close. More pop metal than anything, but definitely drifts into the hard rock genre, again. Matt’s vocals on this song remind me of Tobias Sammet in Edguy.

The album closer, ‘Easter’, is the most progressive and longest song on the album. Many twists and turns, time changes, and even reminds me in some passages of some pirates on the sea, then twists again to something soft and tender. Not my pick but a beautiful song, nonetheless.

Overall, Ghost Ship, is a good album. I got lost at times because the album flow from song to song is not that smooth. I also found that I was easily distracted, but that is me when I am not that impressed.

My rating..8/10