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Queens of the Stone Age (QOTSA)


Staff member
Mar 27, 2018

Official Website: Queens of the Stone Age

Current Members:


QOTSA is band that incorporates many styles, but for the most part they are a hard rock & stoner rock band that uses a lot of electronic elements. Their style is not for everyone; an acquired taste. Josh Homme does his music his way, and refuses to bow down to what others may think. I have to respect that attitude.

Their last album, Villains, has some really creepy synth mixed with a boogie style. I actually like the creativity. However, if you are looking for 70's style hard rock, you are not going to find it with QOTSA.

I'd say, if you have never listened to this band, your best bet would be to start with the albums, Songs For The Deaf or Rated R.

Rated R

Auto Pilot

Songs For The Deaf

No One Knows